Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Look at Fa Cai,he was hugging vivian hand...

Vivian carrying Fa Cai to cross the 'dangerous' road.

Angel and Fa Cai
Its just me and you ! . < .
8:58 PM
from 15th june 2010 to 17th june Batam

Lobster really look like Huge Cockcoaches.

At the seafood restaurant! I am a vegetarien...but no...I was not gonna eat sea food...just come out with them fun fun neh.

Fa Cai so shua!

Pema taking Vivian's wallet.

Fa Cai was wondering why my hand was there..


On 17/6/2010,the day was spend at home...the night was spend outide at some no air-con 'restaurant'...

On 16th june 2010...this is Pema..pretty girl!

cute vincent(ah le),posing for me..

I dunno what he's doing at that time..hahhaa


he had a match with fa cai..

so cute rite!
Its just me and you ! . < .
8:09 PM
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

on 15th June 2010,Baby Pema waiting for mama to return from buying coconut drink.:)

pizza(发财) biting green blanket.
Its just me and you ! . < .
10:24 PM
I just came back from June 2010 to 23rd June 2010

perm hair was like....a torture..need wait very long(abt2 hrs or lesser abit) and so hot like doing sauna somemore.hahaha I was compaining too much.

13th june 2010: I went to perm my hair.hahaha....abt SGD$40. meanwhile Vivian cut her bang shorter and my 3rd aunt dye her hair(to cover up her white hair.)

I bored while waiting for 3rd aunt,xiao yan jie jie and Li Xia jie jie doing facial...seriously,long hrs waiting but fun..I was all by myself in the waiting room,kept play my hp camera.

3rd cute.she didn't know I was taking photo of her too.

on 12th June 2010;

Justin and me!

see.who is this?
He's Pizza(发财·)
I am at Cousin Vivian house already.

11th June 2010 at vivo city rooftop.
Its just me and you ! . < .
9:29 PM
Chating Furry nice corner
Pop up my Cbox
Me,Myself and I ^ 0 ^
Me is Me,Myself is myself and I am still a I...When my mum was sleeping I poped up on the 17th of March 1994… But if I was born in the past ancient,I will die,because the umib cord row round me thickly at my neck during my birth… I had live in this green green,blue blue de ball(the EaRTh) for 14 year le. ! . ! Is quite a Computer stupid. Like to change Patterns everytime/anytime I want. One day without Mobile Phone will Not Die One,I off My Phone Anytime I want,but aspecially at night before I before Sleep I will Off My Phone T0o0o0. For me,my studies Not bad,Also Not So Good either. I'm a Cloudnine Everyday cai guai lei<-,(Girl)as I don't look so mature =>. My ApPeArAnCe is tthat YoU lo0o0k At 4 tHe FiRsT ideal Yo0u will think is tiis girl look so innocent,quiet,childlike,Pure and look like a very well-behave GiRl(but I was a WeLl-BeHaVe girl RaY-d LeI) Most PpLs say I'm verry LiKeAbLe,TaLkAtIvE toward Them when I got along with them 4alongtime. Usually,My ClAsSmAtEs willl somehow got shock,AmUsEd when I can overtalk them. Is Quite Lucky Everytimes;) ;p....Oh Hahahahahahahahahahaa.....Heeheehehehehehehehehe......Hohohohohohohohohohoho.......
bold italic strike underline
My Adores ^ o ^
*put your adores here
*put your dislikes here
Violet . ! . ! . Not Dreams,Must Achieve!
For studies:To get 1 more time 1st in class this year. Get at least 4 A1 for the coming EOY exam.Must have a passing score or more in English.For myself:saved at least a 100 Sing. dollars in my locker.To draw the most stunning beauty animation of a couple.The Bridge for the Design and Technology will not break due to whatever weight that was place on.Have forever friendships and kept in contact no matter what with my friends.
October 2007
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April 2011
Jennifer ng su hui blogsHop!must buy if like....To another world,Fly le...Bye Bye^ . ^
Mine;Jennifer Ng's Blogshop.
Antricia/Wei Ling mei mei.
Antricia's bro;alex.
Jennifer Ng Su Hui(Another Blog)
Shi Xian(:T.Friend;)
Su Xian(:T.Friend;)
Wei Ying(;Myee Friend;)
Ann Nee/Anna(:T.Friend;)
Pearlyn(;Myee Friend/Mei Mei;)
Si Man(;Myee Friend/jie;)
Eleanor(;Myee Friend;)
Adabelle(;MyE Friendt;)
Celia(;Myee Friend;)
Kerrie(:mye Chinese Dance Senior:)
Su Hui(:T.Friend;)
Su Xian(:T.Friend;)
Guang Yu(:T.Friend;)
Wei Xiong(:T.Friend;)
Su Hui(:Chinese Dance de Friend;)
Wan Xin(:T.Friend;)
Yi Jia Jie Jie(:T.Friend;)
Yin Yin xiao mei mei(:T.Friend;)
Wan Yi Jie ^-^
Wei Ren(WuShu De)
Wei Xuan(:friend:)
Poh Lin(:friend:)
Chee Ann(;my friend;)
Class 3E3'09(:my class:)
Yi Rou(:my friend:)
Tze Qing(:friend:)
sylvia poh(:friend:)