Saturday, June 21, 2008
I found tis at about Kang Jia Xi and Kang Cheng Xi
The above picture is Kang Cheng Xi...
((江承熹:我不是个乖学生 )) 承熹在中学是到底是一个怎么样的学生呢? 双胞胎哥哥江佳熹(《唯我独尊》参赛者)在中学时和承熹的个性判若两人吗? ((模范生?不!叫我坏学生!)) 别看承熹佳熹俩长得一副乖乖脸,觉得他们是品学兼优的模范生,那你就错了!他们俩在中学时是让老师头痛的学生! 承熹坦言自己不是一个乖学生,曾经被训育主任减头发减了十次,上学还迟到!佳熹也没好到哪里去,他坦白地说自己是坏学生,是个小混混。现在留长发是留过瘾,因为当时在学校不能留!承熹还说自己常在课堂上睡觉,每年的年中考试后,一定会见校长,因为每次都不及格。但年终的考试他则每一次都侥幸的顺利过关。 ((训育主任和承熹是"好朋友")) 承熹不好意思的说在中学时曾被训育主任免费剪头发超过10次!而让他最难忘的是有一次他在学校外面把校服"tuck out",被训育主任抓个正着,要他隔天在升旗礼时念悔过书,还要被打鞭!大胆的承熹隔天还迟到,结果“逃过一节”。而训育主任当时也是他课外活动的负责老师。承熹在课外活动的练习时看到他,吓得半死,但苦口婆心的训育主任最终还是“放过”了他。承熹也因此很感谢这名老师。 ((承熹佳熹歌唱PK!)) 承熹本来是准备要在嘉年华会上献唱一首歌,但由于生病的关系,嗓子不好,所以改成了戏剧演出。承熹唱了三句还是决定不唱了。当天,佳熹也受邀回母校表演,但是因为比赛在身,需要彩排,所以只在母校呆了一阵子就离开了。 而在过去的《唯我独尊》男子组的半决赛中,佳熹呈现的才艺表演是演唱李圣杰的《最近》。之前,记者便找来佳熹先让他秀秀他的歌艺。承熹和佳熹,谁的歌声比较好听吗?他们到底PK了什么歌曲呢?http://http//
Its just me and you ! . < .
5:20 PM
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Quiz Time...
Tagged by my meimei,Antricia... to do de Quiz. 1. How long have you waited for someone you love? Say the true... Nope.... Not at all... Why should I wait lei...I am quite patience but I dislike being "quite patience" of waiting such advance thing called people/human.... 2. What do you want to do right now? Homework,then watch tv,then sleep peace(as my 2 cousins young young de,wanna stay my house for 1 day,indirectly,I AM Saying they are very NoIsey....No Motive To Offence)....But what I want to do I couldn't do leiiii.....Must go OUt after bathe today.... 3. If there's a miracle, what will you long for?Pass English with flying colour...(Erm,sorry,passing English is not a miracle,it is a MUST...)...Somehow if can I want the time to skip/fly back to the time I one..Coz happiness alway won't last long... 4. Do you hate your friends sometimes?Ermmm......I don't easily hate people/s /friend/s....HatrEss is a very serious CRimE to me looo..... 5. Where do you wish to die? At my personal home....Sliently....But choy choy choy! not noW baaa....My many things,I do/forfill haven't sia... 6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain? Yuppp/Yess...Coz I saw it 4 time!!!believe or not..I saw twice oversea at above the sea..then twice at Singapore,don't know which place... 7. What are the impossible things to do?To let time skip/fly back... 8.Is there something you wish that will never happen? Yes,many many things,but I couldn't tell... 9. Are you happy with your life now? Perhap yes...I am quite happy with my life now.Have a Happy Famliy and steady(wen din) friendship will do.. 10. What if your crush ask you out? Erm...Don't know baaa.. 11. What will you do when you feel bored? Just kept myself busy by doing my fav. things.. 12. What feelings do you hate the most? A Confuse feeling(that I could hardly make important decision)... 13. If you'll be separated from you love one(s) for a period of time, what will be some things you'd tell them? It will be either Hurray come back ah... or I join you, can I?... 14. What are you looking forward to this coming week?Actually,nothing... ^ 0 ^
Its just me and you ! . < .
4:42 PM
"sWIM" back to Singapore today le...
I am back in Singapore le.... ^O^...Labels: back to Singapore today le...
Its just me and you ! . < .
3:53 PM
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Yea! Oversea! ^ - ^

I had conform my going oversea date le!^o^ I will be ''Swimming'' to Indonesia.My ''Swimming'' mean I will be riding ferry there.Do not worry about me as I promise that I will come back Singapore in one piece.I will Take Care of myself de...My Friends,you all take care tooo! It is from this thursday,5/6/2008(It is the date of tomorrow) to 2 week later de thursday,19/6/2008... ... Thank you for viewing this message from a girl name Jennifer/Su Hui.^o^
Its just me and you ! . < .
10:09 PM
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Jennifer!
Jennifer can be very poisonous if injected intravenously.
According to the story, Pinocchio was made of jennifer.
South Australia was the first place to allow jennifer to stand for parliament.
Only 55 percent of Americans know that the sun is made of jennifer.
Jenniferocracy is government by jennifer.
In Vermont, the ratio of cows to jennifer is 10:1!
If a snake is born with two heads, the heads will fight over who gets jennifer.
All gondolas in Venice must be painted black unless they belong to jennifer!
If you lie on your back with your legs stretched it is impossible to sink in jennifer.
Olive oil was used for washing jennifer in the ancient Mediterranean world. Aiyoyo....This doesn't sound like me...I found this thingy Funnnyyyy leiii asa I saw tthis...I personally laugh le...
Then what bout you,my viewers?
Its just me and you ! . < .
12:12 AM
Sunday, June 1, 2008

I see Channel U animations till the Nation Atheme started to play..........Good Night!Have a nice night ahead!
Its just me and you ! . < .
2:00 AM
Had I spain<-(paiseh,I don't know how spell..) my right ankle??? I Don't think so......

mY Right ankle in pain ytd till now....But I don't really know why..Thinking it is partly coz of the dance steps,I too clUMsy or partly coz that I "fell" from staircase,my shoes slipped le yi xia,actually I didn't fell,I grip the handler there then backward,hao xiang my right foot got twisted..Last night,don't know how to position my leg for comfortable,so that it will not be so unbareable...After several turning on matress,then fallen asleep while I was too sleepy...Till now I still don't know what was the causes of this pain leiii... I just wish tmr morning/or either later when I woke up,it will recover by itself...
Its just me and you ! . < .
12:43 AM
Chating Furry nice corner
Pop up my Cbox
Me,Myself and I ^ 0 ^
Me is Me,Myself is myself and I am still a I...When my mum was sleeping I poped up on the 17th of March 1994… But if I was born in the past ancient,I will die,because the umib cord row round me thickly at my neck during my birth… I had live in this green green,blue blue de ball(the EaRTh) for 14 year le. ! . ! Is quite a Computer stupid. Like to change Patterns everytime/anytime I want. One day without Mobile Phone will Not Die One,I off My Phone Anytime I want,but aspecially at night before I before Sleep I will Off My Phone T0o0o0. For me,my studies Not bad,Also Not So Good either. I'm a Cloudnine Everyday cai guai lei<-,(Girl)as I don't look so mature =>. My ApPeArAnCe is tthat YoU lo0o0k At 4 tHe FiRsT ideal Yo0u will think is tiis girl look so innocent,quiet,childlike,Pure and look like a very well-behave GiRl(but I was a WeLl-BeHaVe girl RaY-d LeI) Most PpLs say I'm verry LiKeAbLe,TaLkAtIvE toward Them when I got along with them 4alongtime. Usually,My ClAsSmAtEs willl somehow got shock,AmUsEd when I can overtalk them. Is Quite Lucky Everytimes;) ;p....Oh Hahahahahahahahahahaa.....Heeheehehehehehehehehe......Hohohohohohohohohohoho.......
bold italic strike underline
My Adores ^ o ^
*put your adores here
*put your dislikes here
Violet . ! . ! . Not Dreams,Must Achieve!
For studies:To get 1 more time 1st in class this year. Get at least 4 A1 for the coming EOY exam.Must have a passing score or more in English.For myself:saved at least a 100 Sing. dollars in my locker.To draw the most stunning beauty animation of a couple.The Bridge for the Design and Technology will not break due to whatever weight that was place on.Have forever friendships and kept in contact no matter what with my friends.
October 2007
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Jennifer ng su hui blogsHop!must buy if like....To another world,Fly le...Bye Bye^ . ^
Mine;Jennifer Ng's Blogshop.
Antricia/Wei Ling mei mei.
Antricia's bro;alex.
Jennifer Ng Su Hui(Another Blog)
Shi Xian(:T.Friend;)
Su Xian(:T.Friend;)
Wei Ying(;Myee Friend;)
Ann Nee/Anna(:T.Friend;)
Pearlyn(;Myee Friend/Mei Mei;)
Si Man(;Myee Friend/jie;)
Eleanor(;Myee Friend;)
Adabelle(;MyE Friendt;)
Celia(;Myee Friend;)
Kerrie(:mye Chinese Dance Senior:)
Su Hui(:T.Friend;)
Su Xian(:T.Friend;)
Guang Yu(:T.Friend;)
Wei Xiong(:T.Friend;)
Su Hui(:Chinese Dance de Friend;)
Wan Xin(:T.Friend;)
Yi Jia Jie Jie(:T.Friend;)
Yin Yin xiao mei mei(:T.Friend;)
Wan Yi Jie ^-^
Wei Ren(WuShu De)
Wei Xuan(:friend:)
Poh Lin(:friend:)
Chee Ann(;my friend;)
Class 3E3'09(:my class:)
Yi Rou(:my friend:)
Tze Qing(:friend:)
sylvia poh(:friend:)