Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Went to school with a feeling of normal went to school feeling,then Antricia was quite sadded lor...Coz tomorrow I am going to Fly(sit plane) le....Then after school,went straight back home...Receive more than 5 phone call from Wan Ling...Then Isabelle phoned me suddenly,she last minute say that we are going to perform the ti ta wu at the China there...Must bring a blank black shirt + the long black pant for dancing... ...Then decuss till 12 am with Wan Ling about the borrowing of the long pant...(Yawning)...Will miss my fellow teacher,classmates,best bud(Antricia) and beloved friends..
Its just me and you ! . < .
11:24 PM
Monday, February 25, 2008
Shocking , shocked and shock today^+^

Prepared Bye Bye presants for my Beloved Wei Ling....Hope she like them....I will miss her much for 90% de lor...Tomorrow she wiill see that presant...What saiii,I got somehow shocked in today Science Lesson...Coz Mdm Chia gave us back the Science TA1 paper...Shocking to get to see that I got 40/50...Then when she going through the paper,I checked my answer very careful,see if she had mistook marked my wrong answer to correct answer...But don't have damh me,so happy...When Art Lesson,another shocking thing was,Miss Yuen told our class ppls to repeat after her,they all say what Bon Vonage and some touthing words for me and Keng Yew(coz we 2 are going to the China Trip)...That make me wanna almost cry(you can infer that I am quite Emotional de) le,but I just don't let my tears come out....Cozz I am already don't bared the parting for just 1o day(silly la hor???)^+^
Labels: shocked and shock, Shocking
Its just me and you ! . < .
10:58 PM
No0otice Notice ....
My mum will miss me lei,I 1st time go so far de oversea for so long(10 days),she will surely worry ones...She wanted to sent me at the airport.. . I will be at China(si chun de yang foreign languages school) for the Twinning or BLAZE Programme from 27/2/2008(early in the morning 8 am sth de) to 7/3/2008(at night 9 pm sth de).... Got my mobile phone number de my friends please see this message.... Please do not sms or call my phone when I am in the China...Or your phone bills will increase much.. I will much my fellow friends and sisters much,good bye....Sadded...Hahaaha...Muack.. ^6^Labels: No0otice Notice .... :)
Its just me and you ! . < .
12:06 AM
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Play Basket today??????
Today went play basketball like last Sunday... ...At morning,I busying do houseworks(not homeworks arh) just for my beloved mum... ...Packed Things for China Trip(BLAZE Programme),but cannot sqeeze in my lugguage(I must climb like monkey high high,then can take) lor,too many things....Don't know how...Then don't care...Tomoorrow I shall do the actual pack...Then rush outdoor to look for objects to be my presents for my friend in China.Then I haven't buy la,but I was thinking about giving them either soft toy or cup...Went meet Chee Ann then Chor Hiang...Finding out that Wei Ying jie didn't come today,I was a bit sad sad de.Wei Ying told me on msg,maybe she can come later on,then I jiu bit happy le lor..I was looking at Chor Hiang and Chee Ann playing basketball,then join in for awhile,then jiu went to Foods Palace ansd also for waiting for Wei Ying...When Wei Ying reach there,we 3 ''play hide and seek'' with Wei Ying,got caught....Heehehehahahaha...Went back to where we had played the basketball there,play 2 to 2 de(like I team with Chee Ann and Wei Ying team with Chor Hiang like that),at first didn't snatch the basketball while can be snatch de,then to the ''climate'',got ''snatch''...Don't know how they play de,play untill only me alone kept playing the basketball,they 3 learn from stamford stand there)...Then went strolling,got a knowing ''surpise'' la,mange to dogh for a few time but not everytime........Went Pasar Malang(walked rounds and rounds)...Went play ground,saw 1 childish boy,the most interesting part was that ,me ,wei ying ,chee ann and chor hiang did the xia yao for that boy to see....Then 3 ppls tgt sent Wei Ying back home,after walking pass the 291 bus stop,sudden rain quite heavliy but we 3 still walked on the non-shelter road without umbrella while the rain pour more heavyer...So cool(not cold) xia...End ed up clothes front extremely wet and behind not wet...Took bus home...Without bathing or change into any dry clothes,went out with my dad go buy dinner...When after I ate dinner,then I bath....Labels: Play Basket today??????
Its just me and you ! . < .
11:37 PM
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Passed 12 am le....
I don't know why I like this picture that looked so alike with Maki...
I was now waiting to watch that Channel U that guessing show 11 30 pm start that show,guess who is the da wei wang...I many day didn't on my house's fan...Now than break the record...O0O chi bu bang ,da shi liang de mei nu(they all got shape 1 lei,their weight all below 50 kg)...Damh funny.....^+^
Its just me and you ! . < .
11:51 PM
Drawing Animation is my hobby....

The above picture is when made me remanber the Cute/Pretty Maki in movie ''L change the world''...This animation look very alike with Maki..That Maki away hug a teddy bear de... ^0^
Stupid Computer!!!As stupid as me....LoL joke joke..I then stupid lor,as a human cannot scold bad things de lor,like that no manner de lor,quite 沒家叫.Computer is not stupid,it's funny...I just press a ''w'' in to the http:,it gave me that fACE''web page unavailable while offline.url''... I ate mutton porride(I cooked de,of couse was vegetarien de) which I cooked for lunch...First time cooked I person de set,so,I cooked too much le lor... Today after Cat. straight away went home(乖),draw a animation for xiao man birthday,I had never draw any animation for 4 months le...I thought I wouldn't draw as nice as last time,but I was wrong,and I decide To Draw one more same for myself also...I am alway very very satifise with my draw de...
Labels: ..., it will never die out de...
Its just me and you ! . < .
4:31 PM
Friday, February 22, 2008
Watched '' L '' Change the world at today

Meet out with Wan Ling,Regina and Chee Ann at Mac...End up,I was the latest person who reach there,then buy that movie tickets:''L''Change the world... ''L'' is damh cute in the movie!!!!L way of typing computer,way of babysitting children,hold book and flip book was cute de lor...And it was hard for L to stand straight toooo...Some part in the movie was really sadded de lor,especially when Maki saw her own father die infront of her without choice from commented sucide by inject virus(somehow scared dao Regina when the father die in that process of the virus syptoms)...The movie was very nice,trust me...Won't wrong 1 de... Till now I stiill wonder why Chee Ann gave me the obs shirt....(It is too big bAaAaA...)
Its just me and you ! . < .
11:58 PM
CIP today

Haiiis,today morning 12 am then sleep coz I finding my new blogskin for my blog and I found it,but fail to change blogskin completely(dearest Miss Hsu should noe)... ... Then today morning at 6.45am,alarm clock then rang(me just woke up that time),I was thinking if the clock rang tooo long from 5.45 to 6.45....(but this was impossible)Damh me I rush to wash up within 5 mins,but wait for bus 293 very long lor,reach interchange with bus 291 just gone...must wait bus long....Surely will be dead la+.+e for school,ran!!! end up,7.27am reach school -.-''' Mr OM Tan say don't know what,:''u go RR twice ...''Me:like huh???,don't know what veges he talking..Coz I wasl the last person who was alone la+.+(no ppls accompany me la+.+e >,<),But he haven't ask me if I la+.+e how many time lei,and I told him that I only la+.+e once and he paiseh le lor...Then I assemble with my class,need to wait bus again ,troublesome baa,going to do picking litters that CIP at that place with last time full of Earthworms... Wooooa,so many small small litters,picked for quite long de... Pick litters first... ... ... After litters picking,washed hand then we will have a Pinic as a class...They all brought so many foods and drinks..I didn't bring any foods for the Pinic,only brought the mat for Pinic... While eating some of the foods will ''fly'' coz there are strong sea breeze there,my mat was terribliy dirty,sometime you will see chips flying toward your Face or landed on your head... Talk bout the bus trip back to JYSS,busying take photo with my friends(Antricia and Reena),whatever pattern also have...
Its just me and you ! . < .
10:28 PM
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Non-English Camp is ending.... >.--

On Camp day 3(last day of Camp,2o/2/2008: Group 10(Vintage) didn't get any prize but never mind,that doesn't matter much....When I was going back to JYSS by bus,I had a feeling of can't see Ray and Darrenline again...When bus was going,Ray used that (Majong Paper)<-(Thank u Antricia,I change spelling le,I admit my speeling was really lousy..) he was holding to wave bye bye to us,in return I wave bye bye to him...As the bus went on,Ray's figure slowly become a tiny ''speck'' and ''disappeared'' as bus went on pass by the signboard of Sarimbun Scouts Camp,my eye becames watery and tears rolled downmy cheeks...Like that de me very silly lor,but stilll I will remanber Ray and Darrenline... When reach school,I found very comfortable than The Camp There....It was just like when you are from Povety Place move to A Wealthy Place... Sth like tis la,I dun how to describe my feeling.... ...
Labels: last day of camp
Its just me and you ! . < .
6:24 PM
Camp day 2

On camp day 2,19/2/2008: Weird day!hOhohoho^*^ Breakfast had to tied both hand to eat lunch.(to test teamworks and experiance awhile,what our anseaster been in the japanese ocupption) After meal,untied ourself,my right hand with Wei Ling left hand too tight,went find Mac to untied it,Mac still could joke while untying(funny???Not funny la..) Played a game in general station which include a fake piece of tree stem with the arrangement of height,shortest to tallest,then when Ray choose ppls who wear red shirt, the red shirt ppls must find away of getting themselves to the front where the shortest person de infront without coming down the stem.Then unlucky unlucky,Ray choosed ppls with blue shirt(coz today many ppls wear sec 1 camp t-shirt) and that include me(but actully I want to play de,hahahaaha),maybe Ray want to see how we balace bAaaaA.Thought my balancing lousy + my shoes already worn out in a very pathetic way(slippery),but I still mange to stand up quick,then reach there in a not very slow speed,I could cross safety without felling. Played the so-called Milo Pool slide made me very shocking as the depth of the pool was quite high but fear de me go 1 time(fast speed de,it was so supior),my blutt touched the sandy ground then flowed up.End up,myself shoe very muddy,me extremely wet...Then still need to go Kayaking(yawn,coz I don't like kayak) while had been sunburn on my arms and nose red le lor when parking the kayak at 1 part of the sea for so long(don't know need to wait for what xia)....Then I also knew that my kayaking skill haven't reach home.... When my group reached the Problem solving games there(near rockclimbing),saw Cheryl climbed to the top...Woow,it was great...(Coz she was the 1st girl the climb to the top) When my hair was dry from the kayaking,it have more then euonght salt to cook a meal lor(really,not fake de)........ During Rafting,Wei Ling was the specalist in the ropes tying,have any lose lose string and don't know how to tie de string will asked her to tie...She tied till very nice and tight ,that when you see the string,you will know who tie 1... ;) Our raft was want to sink but didn't sink that type ... After raft,Rockclimbing started,I was the 2nd person to climb,must say am I on belay then should say climb on but I say climbing(ohhahaha).I slowly slowly climb,half way shake my hand(hand sour le),then climb to the top see if the top there have any ''PSP'',but I really see till very ''detail'' le,don't have le...I looked down and the view from the top was so stunning Beauty and shua dao de...Came down my whole arm very weak le...Thank to Ray(my belayer) that I could climb till top,he did a great job man!!! Then wanna dinner that time Darrenline naughty naughty girl ah,touch my hair,when I turned around she smile toward I also smile toward her...Darrenline was cute and pretty de lor...^+^ Campfire guest of honuor was Miss Yuen^*^<-that part the most interesting and hyper-high.Other part of the Campfire very bored untill our trainers perform.Ray very adorable,he ws already very cute and handsome le,I know,the performance made his standard of cute and handsome higher lor... ...Time flies so fast,day 2 let.Tomorrow last day of camp le,I am gonna miss Darrenline and Ray,afterall I can't see them forever,unless 我們緣la.
Labels: Camp day 2
Its just me and you ! . < .
6:20 PM
My Sec 2 NE(''nON-enGLish'')Camp
On Camp day 1,18/2/2008: Went to meet Chee Ann,Chor Hiang they all before going to school(coz/because they all will be going to the OBS today and I wiill be be going to the Sec 2 NE camp) have ''last'' meeting,but nobody appear at there sia.Then when too late le hor,I go sch le...
Labels: My Sec 2 NE(''nON-enGLish'')Camp
Its just me and you ! . < .
6:13 PM
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Farewell my friends ,I went to Sec 2 camp
I am going camp tomorrow,I dun bear to leave my parents(as tonight very la+.+e came home for oversea ) and sweet home just for 3 days...Kai Chiong lei,dun noe how they will group us,hope Wei Ling same group with me,I shall pray to God that Wei Ling same group as me.... LOL...Actully not funny,I shouldn't be laughting....
Labels: Farewell my friends, I went to Sec 2 camp
Its just me and you ! . < .
11:36 PM
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Today BUY gifts saw someone...
Happy early Valetine to EVERYBODY in this World!!!Happy Birthday to everyone,because today is 人日,everyone birthday...So qiao,last night I was thinking if the School Counsellers wiill propost An Exchange CCA Day,and really there was 1 School Counseller propost that...Arh,Let me mention about my Science TA1 today,it was not as difficult as I thought,YaH,quite EaSy yoooo,relaxing after the Science TA1,still left 20 minutes...I check le,so many mistakes and I corrects it,not regrating for checking my paper...If I fail that Science TA1,that consist me as a dumb dumb loOOrRrrr..Then asemblely,Antricia had perform a Skit...''We wANT jOb! we Want jOb!''Hahahs this was her speeches to the audience...During that time I felt abit warm on my forehead...Then slowly you not warm le...After school straight rush to Tam. Polyclicln to inject vaccine,then very surpise saw Senior,Jing Yun and her Counseller friend...Then after that,go TM buy things for tomorrow...Saw Jamie with 2 ESSS de students,1 of them was Su Xian,She hello to me but I dunnoe who was she and she so cUtE ,she turn her head and point at her face.Then I repond,''A,Su Xian,Hello...''.She was so tall now,i almost can't recinice her...
Labels: Today BUY gifts saw someone...
Its just me and you ! . < .
9:25 PM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Fun ,Good Actress....

Yesterday,must presant speech,today then say must presant speech today,so keng chong,score 14.5/20,pathetic 8 ppls must came,then 3 ppls came only,D&T score 6/25 need to have NILB for D&T...Then Antricia good lei,score 20/25,and became teacher for NILB hahahass...Math TA1 only score 68/100,I expect at least an A lei,count me stupid la...History 1 of the CA1 paper,score only 23/30,Antricia top people xia... Today History roleplay,so keng chong too,when my turn to act my hand was shaking so much,but dunnoe if the audience saw it...Before History lesson,in my science practical,I ask Mdm Chia if I could 5minute earlyer go,she allow ;) and change my costume with Antricia with wearing my uniform outside,we ran to the toliet change,then me without looking at myself at mirror rush back to 2E5 for waiting for the History lesson start, I change into my costume from my uniform...Then panic panic,cher came,we were to stand outside class prepare for the roleplay.Then went inside class,Hidayah finish then I say mine,my heart beats so fast,felt quite Warm in my body temperature and don't know why felt very dizzy lei...Finally,I finish saying mine,Regina turn,then Idayah turn and then Antricia turn,Antricia very fast can cry for what she say at the beginning ready,good lei,althought I couldn't really saw how her tears came out,woow she was so good for acting,then Teacher also praise her:she act like prof.Actress althought she was not.(Ban Jun de cousin shi Antricia lei.Antricia got the acting genes from him....Joke Joke..No Offence..hehe.)She brought the feeling of the very real and made almost everyone will cry de lor,and teacher say Antricia made her wants to cry...Teacher say our group acting also very good...Will score quite well for CA1 History baaaa...
Labels: Fun, Good Actress....
Its just me and you ! . < .
9:05 PM
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Sad Sad de worsss

I didn't get to go Escape,cozz they all last minute say today they gone to Malaysia...Tomorrow then going Escape.....
Labels: Sad Sad de worsss
Its just me and you ! . < .
10:00 PM

I didn't go bai nian today,I only went to my 2nd aunt's house then she will bring me go Sentosa.I didn't know that Wei Ling rode bus bus incident was so funny,my cousins straight laugh after I told them...That incident began like this... ... ... Wei Ling was sitting in a bus to go to meet me at Tampines Interchange on 6/2/2008,she sudden heard a song(while she emoing) which was that old fashon song:(wo d zhe ni hui lai) that song.That thing scare her for a sudden.Then shenotice a hp with nobody taking it and she take the hp to the bus driiver..To go to Sentosa from Yishun,we used a lorry... as there were too many peoples...I sat lorry outside..It had been 4 years seen I last time I sat lorry..It was so warm,somemore I wore black pant..But it was so windy and fun..Althought,it was squeezy...When reach that Sentosa entries,many peoples look at us,cozzz we all had a total of 29 peoples sitting at there outside,very crowded...The counter peoples very shock when saw us..Went to eat..Sentosa Flowers there..Musical Fountain...When going home le,that lorry almost can't go up and out out the carpark as we all had a total of 33 peoples sitting lorry,4 peoples infront including the driver(in that air-con there) and 29 peoples behind at the opening(the car behind us,pppls,smiling to us).It was so sqeezy and warm again,I was between 2 adult like jia xin bin gan or hamburger,I was being sqeeze like xiao,not enought space for me to even sit.And during lorry trip,funny,we saw the korean tour bus ppls 3 times,we look at them smiling,they look at us smiling then still 1 korean pointing at us,them and they also wave our hands to say hello to them and they also wave their hands for repiled... ... LOL..Our lorry outside sat so many ppls,was the most caught attention de..Tomorrow going Escape,they also planning to use this lorry to go there tgt,my aunts and uncles are so cute and adonrible...
Labels: Sentosa
Its just me and you ! . < .
1:46 AM
Friday, February 8, 2008
Escape and Sentosa....

Hurry,Tomorrow I AM GOING sENTOSA ,Tomorrow de Tomorrow I am going Escape Theme Park...Maybe I won't get much red packets these 2 day,but today only, I receive a total of 16 red packet..BUt All the red packet I receive I dun bear to open them to see how much $$$$...
Labels: Escape and Sentosa....
Its just me and you ! . < .
1:41 AM
Today Progams

Went Seng Kang(Ah Ma went with us,went to another Ah Ma's house in SengKang)...Then after came back from Ah Ma home.There were only me and my brother at the Tampines Interchange bus 969 stand there wait for my mum they all(they went back home and take sth that they forgot to bring).I went to explore the mall and somewhere near there.Most shops didn't open and the most interesting thing was,even the toliet also didn't open...And wait for my mum quite long,4 969 bus and 6 293 bus gone in our sight while waiting for them.. after went SengKang bai nian finish le cai went to Yishun bai nian(my 2nd aunt house) Then 2nd aunt brought us to her mother in law house,then to the Marine from Yishun(wait for the bus for quite long time,very sian xia,very boring xia)Exhaused today...But not tired when I was having fun at the pasar mala( night market)..I didn't know after the boring bus trip,it was so interesting when I saw my beloved cousins and beloved aunts who stated that they only come to Singapore tomorrow,they surpise me by coming to Marina today,and one of that aunt looked so cacausesian after she change her hair style..But my legs was so sour le lor,walk almost half a day wearing my thin base that new high heek shoe.And I only reAch my sweet home at 12 am...
Labels: Today Progams
Its just me and you ! . < .
1:04 AM
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Happy Chinese/Lunar New Year Cui Xi

Today no need to go school althought there should be half day of School day..All the cerdit gone to the graducted student that we no need to go to school today...9am woke up then 9.30am went out of house to meet Antricia at Tampines Interchange...Bring Antricia to the Tampines Regional Library to meet rest of my History Roleplay members...Then we went to the children corner de table do script but I had already done le and they say the table too small not enought space...Then went up to level 2 that adut corner,found table and discuss the script as We All say thing in the History WW2 How bad was Japanese at that time,so coincidence that a guy sat beside beside us is a Japan,then we kept quite for awhile and I told them that we are talk about the past(History) and not now(This Modern Time)..Then discuss until the librarian complain us noisy for two time,then change discuss venue to the Romantic Mac as me,Idayah and Regina hungry le,for Antricia,She was still quite full...Buy foods le found place at outside of that Mac then eat then discuss again and Change venue to the inside of that Romantic... ...Talking about prob regard our roleplay's Costumes,then went to TM see clothes...........Then went CS... ... Then went home after we all bought our things...Around 4 somethings pm eat STEAMBOAT for Reunion Dinner...Tomorrow I am not going Indonesia le,all my relative from there are going Singapore....That was Why...
Labels: Happy Chinese/Lunar New Year Cui Xi
Its just me and you ! . < .
4:46 PM
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Bai Nian To my 3 Teachers...

As I say :''I want to bai nian with Miss Yuen,Miss Gan and Mr Kim..''I gave each of them 2 mandrain oranges,staed that I had something to give them while I hide my mandrain oranges at my back and when I gave them I would say happy new year...They were very happy,surpise/shocked???Say:''Thank you to me and a replied of Happy New Year..''Miss Yuen reaction:so thank to me,shake my hand,Miss Gan reaction:so thank to me,surpiise baa,give a butterfly note of thank me,Mr Kim reaction:so thank to me,sorry for not bringing red packet for me <-actully I won't 1 anythings from cher just by giving them those oranges.. ^+^
Labels: Bai Nian To my 3 Teachers...
Its just me and you ! . < .
7:12 PM
Monday, February 4, 2008
Wooow Earthy

An Early Happy Happy Chinese New Year Everybody on this beautiful Earth!!!I must write my speeches for CA1 English,Scared me lei,I thought tmr me only must presant early in the morning...I must presant it on next Tuesday...Yuppy...At Least it is not tmr...And I wrote the speech le...Let me tell my viewers how to write a speech...:1)Greetings,2)Introduce the Topic,3)Purpose of Speech,4)Explain and Elaborate what it is, 5)Give examples,6)Explain more,7)How to avoid,8)Story,9)Give a final advice,10)Thank the audiences...Speech end tuuutuuuu.....I only wrote 6 paragraph,and the next step I must do is memorise the whole entire speech and presant to my Teacher...And I stiill need to writ e another script for History CA1,next History lesson must have Role play...No Chose,I must spend my pecious Chinese New Year time,to meet out with my group members ....And I had decided to bai nian to Miss Yuen,Miss Gan and Mr Kim tomorrow,and I will bring two mandains for each of them there...I wonder How They will react...
Its just me and you ! . < .
9:52 PM
Yoo ...Happy Chinese New Year everybody....

Hurray,tomorrow school CNY Celebration and after school still have Maths TA1 then cai can go CCA....Can see the Chinese Dancers and the Wu Shu....Touche...Too bad today I didn't see the rehearsal for the Chinese Dance and Wu Shu(the Chinese Dance wear full costume le,The Costume are so stunning Beauty...I admire those ppls who can wear them on... ),> + < 。。。But the Chinese New Year Hoilday have so muchy Home Works from teachers....How to finish them,I 1 2 go oversea Bai Nian De Le...
Labels: Yoo ...Happy Chinese New Year everybody....
Its just me and you ! . < .
9:18 PM
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Notice In Busy Feb 2008

In February in 2008,I am will be sedomly at my sweet home/Singapore..From 7/2/2008 to 10/2/2008,I went to Indonesia for Chinese New Year.From 18/2/2008 to 20/2/2008,I had sec 2 camp.From 27/2/2008 to 7/3/2008,I went to China-Si Chuan De Yang Foreign Languege school for the Twinning Program.The first ever in my whole life been had this busyest month.And Luckily in the week where Valetine's Day are,I didn't leave home/Singapore..
Labels: Notice In Busy Feb 2008
Its just me and you ! . < .
7:43 PM