Thursday, January 31, 2008
Sad Sad de wors

On today,I went the NAFA,about Arts de,then came back school,heard the song of the chinese dance performent for chinese new year ,the sound is at hall,so,I went to the hall and see,and I saw a person who made me felt that hot and warm,excited and overjoy...That person did a great job,for the performing...And I had a sad new for my self,tomorrow which was a cca day for me,have to attend tha punishment with my class lor...It was all because of yesterday chaos and shouting and screaming in our class during Mdm Chia lesson,but that chaos situation doesn't case by me okies....So,sad,I thought the punishment will be on today when I when to the NAFA today,I thought I can avoid that punishment.... Then the teacher who 1 2 punish us,say that that is not fair when the 4 peoples went NAFA while the class were being punish...And My Final Maths Retest got only 10.5/20 only,many stupid mistakes,then my 2 nd Maths Retest is only 5/20...I am so dumb....
Labels: Sad Sad de wors
Its just me and you ! . < .
6:12 PM
Monday, January 21, 2008
About today
About today,I am so unlucky today...Peoples funeral family stood outside St Hilda..I 1st time rode bus with the coffin van stop together for the traffic light,it was like I don't know what happen at first then I turns my head,and directly/coindence that,at the very near distance,I saw coffin wa s being putting into the van infront of my eye... And that was my 1st time encounter with this thing...
Labels: About today
Its just me and you ! . < .
6:44 PM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Buy Things,hehehe

Yesterday,I my legs until today pain,do split too many time baaa.Today I am gonna use $20 top up card(just for using library internet),,buy a new slipper(as I don't have any shoes except for; 1 sport shoe,1 school shoe and 1 wedding dinner de highheel shoe and no more slipper le) which costs $16.95 and buy the sleeveless shirt which I fond of,which costs only $6(but black or light pink de don't have le..>.<.. I regrat that two day before,I didn't bought it down...But still have other colours baa) and I also wants to find a short or a mini skirt to suit that shirt but I did't fond of any.So,maybe Today I will be spending around $50(Heartbreaking for my poor saving),but idea,I spend only $30 something...And I forgot which day I had spend $24.4o for the January's Birthday Babys for their presents, ;) .And I still own my loaners $13.00.My new school bag spoilt too(wanted to buy new ones also can't buy),my 1 yr old school shoe wanna spoilt lei(but also can't buy new's) and I alway forgot to buy student handbook which cost 4 sth.Human usually wil have trouble about $;人类常常为$儿烦.I quite seriou stm,friday,18/01/2008,don't know got what homework except for the homework about preparing a speech(cozz this things is for oralcy exam CA1 english exam de,how can I forgot this,I can't afford to fail English). ;) ^ + ^ (; Yuppy,tonight have class,can see Yi Jia,Anna and Shu Wen they allle,I long time didn't seen them le,I bit miss them.But I don't know if they will forgot me or not... Yesterday,my Jia Xin have an operation,today she is still at Hospital(heard my aunt say Jia xin was pale and weak),but unfortunally I can't go and visit her and maybe I will know how she feel after the operation (cozs nobodies tell her that she need to have an operation),it was like so sad worr,she slept so long(slept during the operation) then wake up then foun d that why her wound(her operation's wound) so pain.She is still small and young lei....
Labels: Buy Things, hehehe
Its just me and you ! . < .
4:57 PM
Pathetic Me ' . '

On 13/1/2008,last Sunday,I went to Chee Ann's Brother de birthday.Then I want to go home that time,so coincidence that,a sudden pouring and thunderious.Then,go home that time still rain la,and then Chee Ann,Wan Ling and me share 1 umbrella.And don't know who accidentally step one of my slipper then spoilt lor,So Pathetic(one leg without wear slipper,one leg wear slipper walking in the rain while I was focusing repairing it,but I knew that it will still drop out.)Then lucky Wan Ling's Mum send us home by car,If not I have to dri and repair my slipper again and again like Idoit to take bus 3 then I still need to walk 2 stops back home... ... T + T
Labels: Pathetic Me ' . '
Its just me and you ! . < .
4:28 PM
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Life today

Wow...Life is full of everythings... For me full of stupidness,fun,laughters,sorrow,love and lastly hates(but in ur life dun have hatress is the most important..or lesser hates lorr.I f not,Trust me... u will have many problems lei..)Mdm Chia,set up role play in science lessons for state of matter cute...History cher,set up role play for the world depression chapter...I will like to have some some role in Literature,but dun hv,and this was the most boring lessons... My wish 4 today is,hoping that my friends,dun kept hatress between them...
Its just me and you ! . < .
4:16 PM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
My Looking forward de birthday
On Yesterday,I check what is the day,when my birthday is.So,It is right after the Marchhoilday,it is 1st day of school... What is this man/woman? Is the same meaning as 这是什么吗?My every Birthday from 1 year old to 13 year old were includedin the the March hoilday,this year my birthday is being''kick''out of the hoilday.March hilday is such a bad child/teenage/adult/senior citizen(as I don't konw how old the March Hoilday are ),like to ''kick'' things(my birthday date) so much ... Erm,many peoples didn't understand what I mean about in my previous message than this message... But if youhad really look at the 2008 Calander at the March month carefully,maybe you will understand what I mean in this message...(; ^ + ^ ;) I got 1 friend,what to yan jiu my message as she didn't understand what it mean in my previous message,so,to make her yan jiu more easier,I send her this above message with more elaborations... And it is because this year there is 366 days,so,my birthday are being ''kick'' out of the hoilday.. ;)
Labels: My Looking forward de birthday
Its just me and you ! . < .
10:41 AM
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
zu cai guo
Yesterday,I will silly blurrr,got what homework or need to bring what,I also don't no. During science,I kept laughing about Mdm Chia speech for ''zu cai guo'',She could last Science lesson say this,last last lesson say this and my 1st Science lesson with her say this....She had repeat so many time,she was so cute sia/xia...So i Can't judge a teacher from 1 day,She was a good teacher ideal. But Mr Kim better... A Hehe..Yesterday,I went library with Wan Ling,for finding Art Book(for Miss Yuen wants,that Art Foilio front cover to have drawing that Artist drew and behind to have introduction of the Artist).We could find this type of book,must thank the Librarian there,it was only Me and Wan Ling found many of the Arts pieces was too difficult to draw...We only found from the reference room there(not for loan),thus we only could print out the picture all this..So,we from 6pm ++ find until 7.30pm...Lucky for me la,tomorrow las t day to pass up the foilio(Coz I didn't do it(the drawing) early)Then,despite my sleepyness,I still did the Art draw finish...Haha...For being blurr blurr de 下场...Labels: zu cai guo
Its just me and you ! . < .
4:49 PM
Sunday, January 6, 2008
You Should Be a Painter You(Me) have the vision, patience, and skill to bring your unique visions to canvas.And you're even tempered enough not to cut your ear off in the process!
Its just me and you ! . < .
3:27 PM
***You(Me) Will Die at Age 82***
Congratulations! You take good care of yourself.You're poised to live a long, healthy life.
What Age Will You Die?
Its just me and you ! . < .
3:26 PM
Countdown Party(It was just .......A joke)

At 1/1/2008,you got went/go to count down party together with you Family or Friends?My Friend,Antricia went countdown with her family,when thet count the 3,2,1,then eveery1 will say happy new year very excited and happily,she say she down there Cried.U know why???Antricia said:''因为我又老了一shui.''; ]
Labels: Countdown Party(It was just .......A joke)
Its just me and you ! . < .
3:02 PM
nOrTh PoLe
That was a long time ago things le,Pearlyn send me this:''HELLO!:-D I'll be leaving Singapore for North Pole nom.Before leaving,I'm going to inform u peoples that I'll be back on the 3oth of Dec 2007.Maybe tomorrow I'll be having my practise there...Lol.I will buy things for u.Maybe ice cubes?Hahaha..Byes!''I reply her:''Erm... ... Thank for your telling... But your North pOLe is Genting right?(I guess blindly)I not quite sure you going Antartica... Erm....I think by the time,you bring your ice cube to Singapore,they became Water le.A haha A hoho A hehe;)^ + ^(; I wish you have a happy trip... ... ^ * ^ ''
Labels: North Pole
Its just me and you ! . < .
2:51 PM
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
the wholle day outside tiill night come back home with Jeffery and mom...

On yesterday de yesterday(30/12/2007) problem that day + yesterday... ...and tomorrow school reopen le,I don't really feel like going school.... Morning I early on 30th,at 6am woke up,then 6.30am leave my house to my Paya Lebar friend house,but we reach too early,they were still sleeping,tiill they woke,thedoor opened.Around 8.30am like that,we alll went to board the bus we rented(becozzz many ppls got come),to the Botanical Garden.When we all reach there,we went to walk walk then went to kids garden(althought I'm not a kids anymore),there got many things to discovered... ... Went maze(1st group to went out of maze,hahas),steam(play play de la),water playingground(at the begining I went there,was just for washing my from the mud and sand that I stepped,but don't know how then I play water there. ;) Every1 were wet there,I was the person who at first went to borrow a container to pour Wei Chang,that is for ''revenge'',then we<-(Si Xuan ,Wei Chang,Wei Xiong and me) splashing bucket of water,my clothes were simply wet,as most of them splash me(and I emty their container when they came near me).Play finish,I went toilet change dry clothes),play ground(nothing to play except for the Spinning thingy which was a thrill) After mother,Jeffery and went out of the Botanical Garden,we ate lunch,met out with my aunts and Cousins went buy new year clothes... ...till 5.oopm we had lunch,I was still quite full,but I just had dinner for the sick of the dinner... took MRT home,sleepily dozed till my head knocked the man's shoulder who sat beside me,he look at me,I just pretend to be sleeping,Oh hahahehehohoho... ;p . q;
Labels: the wholle day outside tiill night come back home with Jeffery and mom...
Its just me and you ! . < .
11:43 AM
HapPpPpY nNnEw YeAr TtTo everybody ;p . q;

Happy New Year 2OO8 tooo EvErYbOdY!!!! Oh mUsT really say goodbye to the lovely year of 2oO7........... Today is the Birthday of Micky Mouse...
Labels: HapPpPpY nNnEw YeAr TtTo everybody ;p . q;
Its just me and you ! . < .
11:31 AM
Saw Antricia
Today,early inthe morning10 O'clock wake up leg muscle ache,don't know why lei...At afternoon i went out with my parents,I was looking at the clothes,suddenly someone place his/her<-(coz I don't know who was the person) hands on my shoulder,I turn around(curious to know who was the person),I saw Antricia mEI mEI and family.I was very happy to saw them,I 1st time saw Alex(Antricia's brother),and they live at Bedok(for me I think it is quite coincident to saw Antricia at Tampines).Again at the noisy noisy sale man there saw Antricia again... ... Tomorrow got school le,don't feel like going to school...
Labels: Saw Antricia
Its just me and you ! . < .
11:29 AM