Saturday, December 29, 2007
What a + a tired day today are...
arh.................................... Tiring............. Today................ Today I got cca,Antricia got cca and Reena got cca... .... I felt very tired when I was in Bus to School,almost hit my head like stupid when I ZzZzZzZzZzZz in the Bus(Lucky no salive leaking).Miss Wang(My Instrutor),suddenly change some dance steps,I blurrr Blurr de dance(so,most of the time do wrongy,somemore run wrong place).But after further practises,I slowly know.... .... Antricia,I only saw her back view(her hair change a lot,excluding it had been grew longer than before,her hair not dry dry le,now very nice le ;0) ,her head yy a bit,CuTe XiA/sIa....Reena say she couldn't find me among the Sec 1 Chinese Dancers there,she long time didn't seen me,maybe a bit 4got my look bbaaa...Labels: What a + a tired day today are...
Its just me and you ! . < .
2:31 AM
2007 Star Award(Some video from Xin)
Video;> 红星大奖回顾:十大男艺人颁奖环节 一些红星们领奖的经典画; 十大最受欢迎男艺人 最有趣的颁奖环节,要属台湾歌手小猪罗志祥和新传媒阿姐范文芳颁发“十大最受欢迎男艺人”奖项的时候。两人一出场妙趣横生的表现,马上博得全场观众的笑声。 -> 文芳公布首位得奖男艺人的名字时,先把“李”姓念出,调调大家的胃口。当李国煌得知自己是第一个获奖的男艺人时,表情逗趣,随后在台上既称文芳“老婆”(两人在新电影里饰演夫妻),又与她拥抱,还说“不好意思铭顺,I'm so sorry,she kissed me”,似乎是在“挑衅”文芳的正牌男友李铭顺。 -> 下一位上台的得奖艺人李铭顺在梁智强的怂恿下,当众亲吻了文芳的嘴,还调皮地想吻小猪,创造了颁奖礼的高潮。小猪见状,顿时傻眼,说:“你们的颁奖典礼好high哦,我们台北的没有这样子!” -> 被男友亲吻的文芳,似乎玩开了,她在公布得奖艺人葛米星(Gurmit Singh)的名字时,也称是她的“另一半”(两人在电影《我在政府部门的日子》里饰演夫妻)。也许是因为铭顺也在台上,葛米星和文芳“撇清关系”,告诉小猪:“这个不是我的老婆,不是。” -> 2007 Star Award(Some video from Xin)
Its just me and you ! . < .
1:00 AM
Betray =?
I ask my friends this question for play play... ''

你以前有一个朋友跟你很好的,但是有一天他/她betray 你。你以今不跟他/她说话了。 他/
她突然 call 你,你会 pick the call 吗 ?'' 1st friend reply:''No offence hor.I wouldn't lorr.I wouldn't even trust that person lorr,who is de person u talking about?'' 2nd friend reply:''Eh I'm those that wouln't trust the people that betray me before again.I think I wouldn't hear the phone call'' 3rd friend reply:''Yeps.I will.I'm not very sure about my answer yet.I never experience before.haha..o.O suddenly ask me this question.Hahaha. :D'' 4th friend reply:"Will...must give each other a chance ma..(The most break record 1(So short;) ))'' 5th friend reply:''I will.Coz what happen had alre3ady happened,what can u do?And it is better to be friend then be strangers.Oso,maybe he/she didn't betray u?What happen could be a misunderstood?So just pick up the call and talk.If it is de truth that your friend betray u,tell him/her...Correct their mistakes.Because only a friend will correct him/her's friend mistake.''(the 1 more break record 1(So long ;) ))But She is senseable and have a good answer for the question. 6th friend reply:''I think I will but will not talk to the person like good friends.Also I will still be angry with the person.'' Then my answer for this question is:''I will pick the call up... ... ... Then I hang down... ... But if he/she call me again....... I will pick up the phone and go and listen what he/she is up to...'' So,this question doesn't have right or wrong answer...... ;) ^ + ^ (;
Labels: Betray =?
Its just me and you ! . < .
12:59 AM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Shopping for birthday's presants thing thing

- Today,feeling happy that I came back to Singapore a few day ago....Er...Talk about yesterday baaa,I went out with Si Man and Wan Ling,Wan Ling at first 1 2 buy presants 4 the Birthday kids;?,but then after our rounding and about the shopping mall,we had decide to go to Sun Plaza Park play play,then Wan Ling 4got about buying presant,ending up today she then buy.....Before going to SunPlaza,they were at Century Square then we went to the toilet with makeup place,they 2 bluff me Si Man 1 2 go level 2 toilet,then they makeup me lor,but I am quite okies with it,they 1 2 put eyelinear for me,but they don't know how to put,got 1 malay youth help up.and then Si Man also 1 2 draw the eye linear...At 1st I was being makeup,then Si Man,thenwe 2 also call Wan Ling go makeup,then we 3 go take Neoprints...My makeup was the most thick 1,follow by Si Man,Wan Ling most thin makeup,at 1st Si Man say she 1 2 take Neoprint for the boys to see and she 1 2 put on her blog,but after she took Neoprints with us,she don't 1 to do all this ready ,and told we2 not to let boys see the Neoprints o0o......
Labels: Shopping for birthday's presants thing thing
Its just me and you ! . < .
5:08 PM
Went oversea to Indonesia that time
On 30th of Nov.2007;My Mum say today we all go oversea after my cca finish.So yesterday night,I hurrily pack my clothes.Today,don't feel like waking up early the morning but luckily today is the last day of cca in this month .My cca end at 12.30pm today,but I leave the school at 'bout 1++pm ,then pei Wan Ling go Pop buy things .I rush home ,quickly,eat and bath.Rushly,pack my things into my small bag,I any how sqeeze thins inside.I sms my friends for my going.Then,I only can ride 4:10pm ferry,we also very rush,I hate rushing,it is tiring. :(Labels: Went oversea to Indonesia that time
Its just me and you ! . < .
5:04 PM
On 28/11/2007 my chinese dance instrutor taught us the new dance which was meant especially for the ccafair 2008.I can't really catch,quite STRESS arh!After CCA rush bath then I went out again.You must be thinking...for what xia/sia?My Science teacher,Mr Kim and 2 other classmate.I met them out at Mac,we ate and chatting along.Antricia seen to be the joke of the day(during the 1E5's chalet)for wearing a T-Shirt that have theese words''Look At Me'',then today the T-Shirt with a bear(a small 1) also can do some joking(a haha and a heehe).We all at 1st quite quiet de,then we chat,chat and chat;> and I don't know Mr Kimknew Horsescope things things.We 4 chat in chinese,Antricia meimei didn't understand some ''chin'' words,hence,for her,she learn many ''chin'' words throught Mr Kim,actully,Mr Kim can teach chinese1 lei.Ohhoho.... Then after the meal we all ''dismiss'',jie sie.
Its just me and you ! . < .
4:41 PM
On 27/11/2007<-this date was 1 month ago ;)No Caa today.Quite relax at home whole day.I sleep like a ''piglet'' at home till 11.30am then woke up.Labels: Free
Its just me and you ! . < .
4:35 PM
On 26/11/2007; My Friends and I went to a playground boii le... When I took out my mobilephone and video down the boy who 1 day became A Gong and my''My Mei Mei'' playing(they so slow discover me and but then my mei mei went to delete the video).I take video of him,very long le,then Chee Ann also take out his mobile phone ,follow by Wan Ling mei mei.He then notice we 3 holding hps,he quite suspeses,he do the same ,took out his phone.When I reach home ,I thought I will be hearing something like''Pokemon,pokemon,pokemon'' on the tv,becuase nowaday he always watchPokemon in English edition on CD.But today different le,Pokemon in chinese edition and it is another CD,I think that he is so cute .
Its just me and you ! . < .
4:22 PM
Momiji Sohma Hidden tears
Sorry no sound 1.
Its just me and you ! . < .
4:05 PM
Zheng Ge Ping and Lin Xiang Ping
最振奋人心:影帝郑各评 郑各评在演艺事业上苦熬20年,演技终于获得肯定。他在致词时说:“40多岁,再不拿,‘bo liao’(福建话:没了)”并以一句“我们还是一条龙!”,激励所有年龄40岁以上的台前幕后工作伙伴们继续打拼,颇振奋人心。
Labels: Zheng Ge Ping and Lin Xiang Ping
Its just me and you ! . < .
3:48 PM
Chating Furry nice corner
Pop up my Cbox
Me,Myself and I ^ 0 ^
Me is Me,Myself is myself and I am still a I...When my mum was sleeping I poped up on the 17th of March 1994… But if I was born in the past ancient,I will die,because the umib cord row round me thickly at my neck during my birth… I had live in this green green,blue blue de ball(the EaRTh) for 14 year le. ! . ! Is quite a Computer stupid. Like to change Patterns everytime/anytime I want. One day without Mobile Phone will Not Die One,I off My Phone Anytime I want,but aspecially at night before I before Sleep I will Off My Phone T0o0o0. For me,my studies Not bad,Also Not So Good either. I'm a Cloudnine Everyday cai guai lei<-,(Girl)as I don't look so mature =>. My ApPeArAnCe is tthat YoU lo0o0k At 4 tHe FiRsT ideal Yo0u will think is tiis girl look so innocent,quiet,childlike,Pure and look like a very well-behave GiRl(but I was a WeLl-BeHaVe girl RaY-d LeI) Most PpLs say I'm verry LiKeAbLe,TaLkAtIvE toward Them when I got along with them 4alongtime. Usually,My ClAsSmAtEs willl somehow got shock,AmUsEd when I can overtalk them. Is Quite Lucky Everytimes;) ;p....Oh Hahahahahahahahahahaa.....Heeheehehehehehehehehe......Hohohohohohohohohohoho.......
bold italic strike underline
My Adores ^ o ^
*put your adores here
*put your dislikes here
Violet . ! . ! . Not Dreams,Must Achieve!
For studies:To get 1 more time 1st in class this year. Get at least 4 A1 for the coming EOY exam.Must have a passing score or more in English.For myself:saved at least a 100 Sing. dollars in my locker.To draw the most stunning beauty animation of a couple.The Bridge for the Design and Technology will not break due to whatever weight that was place on.Have forever friendships and kept in contact no matter what with my friends.
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
February 2010
March 2010
June 2010
February 2011
April 2011
Jennifer ng su hui blogsHop!must buy if like....To another world,Fly le...Bye Bye^ . ^
Mine;Jennifer Ng's Blogshop.
Antricia/Wei Ling mei mei.
Antricia's bro;alex.
Jennifer Ng Su Hui(Another Blog)
Shi Xian(:T.Friend;)
Su Xian(:T.Friend;)
Wei Ying(;Myee Friend;)
Ann Nee/Anna(:T.Friend;)
Pearlyn(;Myee Friend/Mei Mei;)
Si Man(;Myee Friend/jie;)
Eleanor(;Myee Friend;)
Adabelle(;MyE Friendt;)
Celia(;Myee Friend;)
Kerrie(:mye Chinese Dance Senior:)
Su Hui(:T.Friend;)
Su Xian(:T.Friend;)
Guang Yu(:T.Friend;)
Wei Xiong(:T.Friend;)
Su Hui(:Chinese Dance de Friend;)
Wan Xin(:T.Friend;)
Yi Jia Jie Jie(:T.Friend;)
Yin Yin xiao mei mei(:T.Friend;)
Wan Yi Jie ^-^
Wei Ren(WuShu De)
Wei Xuan(:friend:)
Poh Lin(:friend:)
Chee Ann(;my friend;)
Class 3E3'09(:my class:)
Yi Rou(:my friend:)
Tze Qing(:friend:)
sylvia poh(:friend:)