Saturday, November 24, 2007
At the library,I thought I saw some one familiar.... I go and look for her...Bye Bye... If I can post something on my blog again ,it is either I get to the library once again ,or my internet well le.
Its just me and you ! . < .
5:01 PM
On 23/11/2007 and 24/11/2007
On 23/11/2007, which was yesterday, our instruter,commanded the Wu Shu to do the Chinese Dance type of Warm up..... It was quite funny for them... Senior say:''Boy don't do gentle warm up de.'' Oh heehahaa... .. Then today 24/11/2007,after my Cat. I go Tampines there the library,I wanted to borrow a book which title is''Marika'',I can't find it,it is on load till 6/12/2007,I'm quite disappointed..... Because in my English homework,the reading books write good sentense,must have recipe one.this book is on loan last last week so,last last week,I can't borrow,today also on loan,''qi si wo le''.Maybe I have to wait till I come back from hoilday then can borrow... My Audience,you must be thinking why I want to borrow this book so badly?I answer you:because I borrow the book long ago,but my recipe wet because of the pouring bucket day,that I have borrow all the books on the wet recipe again.The only book kept on loan is ''Marika''.So,I don't have the recipe,but I had read the novel already... Haiiis,maybe I try my luck after come back for Batam.....Labels: On 23/11/2007 and 24/11/2007
Its just me and you ! . < .
4:21 PM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
My Another truefriendtest(Scoreboard)
Its just me and you ! . < .
7:18 PM
My Another truefriendtest
Its just me and you ! . < .
7:16 PM
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Smile... 4 hoilday ;) Wishing everyone have an enjoyable hoilday
In 1st of Dec.
I will be going oversea to Indonesia(Batam)! ;)
Althought it is quite early to tell my viewers......I will only go until 18th of Dec,for me I think the trip is quite short,I will wish to stay at Batam longer =( ,but for some unviewable reason I can't go to Batam till any longer. Got 1 time in bus 27,a man saw my bro. eat French Fries at bus,he can't wait and ate his curry puff ..But then Adult must set a good example for children de ma ,he still got wife 1 lei. ;)
Labels: Smile... 4 hoilday ;)
Its just me and you ! . < .
5:21 PM
My Holiday at Batam

Holiday at Indonesia's Batam and Moro,Sorry my friends,I wrote the''1st of Dec to 18th of dec going oversea period''is wrong 1 de,Should be ''30th of Nov to 23th of Dec''.U all got miss me?I guess not baa..But I will miss u all de..A heehee.
Its just me and you ! . < .
5:06 PM
Playing a silly joke on the trip back home
On 22/11/2007 Haiis,today,my internet still not work T.T... Althought yesterday is Choy Hiang's Birthday,today he then celebrate at chalet... Within 1 day,he become A gong(a grandfather) ,oh heeheheee....My friends,2 of them no creative one lei,they heard I bring chocolate for present,they also bring him chocolate for his present,Wan Yi most creative la,she bring the mini handcuff with Choy Hiang's Name on it....
Me,Si Man,Wan Ling and Wan Yi till 7+ pm then went home..On the road to bustop nearby that chalet,Wan Ling start the joke by calling Chee Ann,she say I fallen into drain,then Si Man act me cried out pain.I didn't really care,I kept quiet.Chee Ann walk out of the chalet entry while we ran to the nearby bustop.He didn't see us and he when in.Wan Ling sms him for where we are.Then he brought another friend with him,coming toward bustop...
Wan Yi call me to hide,I hidden behind the bushes.Thety 3 say to Chee Ann they 2 that I ran away after I injuried.Then,they all finding me,my 3 friends were just acting to find me. ;) + I was called to ride the bus at the bustop,I ran and went inside,it is not that I was a doggy for my Friends,it is just that I need to rush home so I rode the bus,siting in the bus,curious to know what was happening while I'm in bus.Wan Ling had told me;''Chee Ann they all call for more boys to find including Qi You,Wan Ling they were call to go back home 1st.'' When they rode the MRT,then they sms Chee Ann then they were just having a silly joke with him. After I reach Pasir Ris Interchange,I take no.3 went home without them,my phone low bat. that time,so they can't really contact me,then the last eletricity to msg Wan Ling that I go home le. Actully,Chee Ann find some suspected part when Si Man giggirling,then an injuried person how can be running away,once she injuried. In my life,I didn't fall into a drain before,somemore if I really cry,It will be just some silent sound with tears dripping only..
Labels: Playing a silly joke
Its just me and you ! . < .
5:02 PM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
1st time really go out with Weiling Mei mei

Oon 15/11/2007 at Thursday,I meet out with Wei Ling mEI Mei at the red board 293 bus there and Wan Ling Mei mEI at the Small Macy there.I thought I will be la+e as I 1.01pm pm then reach the meeting place,but Wei Ling Mei mEI also la+e,she blurr blurr walk toward,like she didn't see me,this MeiMei 1.08 pm then reach.Wan Ling Mei Mei later than WEi Ling Mei Mei by 2 minute.When Wan LiNg reach,she and Wei Ling like long lost sister stare at each other.The Oldest reach first den follow by the smaller,oh Understandable?We went CS taking neoprint,Heeehee,1st time take neoprint with Wei Ling Mei,den go shopy at TM,a trip to TM,the 2 long lost sister trip over the carpet,Like Jie Jie Like Mei Mei.We went to Popular explore the the book of Palmline and Fingerprint,baahn.My 2 Mei Mei done thing almost alike.oH hAhaha.. Hehe..Hoho I post this bcozZ I told some1 that I will post. ;)
Labels: 1st time really went out with Wei Ling Mei mei
Its just me and you ! . < .
7:49 PM
For this few day didn't posts,the reason..

My Com. had been CrAzY this few day,Internet spoilt,must wait it to discharge from Metal Hospital then can post on my blog.Thus,today it's discharge.
Labels: For this few didn't posts, the reason..I miss my internet
Its just me and you ! . < .
7:14 PM
Ytd not feeling well....

Ytd.... ah can't slept,I woke up at the midnight bout 2am til 3++am den I slept,I got Stomach have wind ,my Stomach pain,last night eat too heaty food... Den today haiis still a bit Stomach pain... ... ... My dearest Jia Xin discharge from KK Hospital lei. Me:Clouldnine!!!
Labels: Ytd not feeling well....
Its just me and you ! . < .
7:12 PM
Saturday, November 10, 2007
My ''Sis'' is going to recover le.=D(ME?Overjoy)
Again,I went KK Hospital vist my sis(ttat small cousin of mine),she look better le and carry a smile on her face.That better! ;) And she change ward le,the board there say ''clear to feeds'',but tmr she can eat and drink le.By the way she haven't had the operation,the doctor must wait she fully recover 1st den can have operation.
Labels: My ''Sis'' is going to recover le.=D(ME?Overjoy)
Its just me and you ! . < .
5:10 PM
Friday, November 9, 2007
My Bloggy Thingcy :)
Now my bloggy have many many thingy le,(my 2 other truefriendtests are being push to the older post)<-so maybe they are old le,Fa Huang Le.If U 1 2 Go 2 Do my 2 other truefriendtests,they r located at (my older post)<-Lao ren yan,Oh Joke Joke........ ;)Labels: My Bloggy Thingcy :)
Its just me and you ! . < .
4:56 PM
A Day of somehow Luckyness and somehow Unluckyness ;)
Just now helping out my mom doing house working(I willing 1 la,not she force 1),pressing washing machine 4 it to wash clothes,I keep the dry clothes,but till now I still haven't fold the clothes.(HeeHeeHo0oHo0o)Somemore,just now I want 2 put the wet clothes wif pole up above me,aim unproperly,den the whole pole fall and lucky onlxx hitted hard on my hand,not head,cozzz I used my hand to protect my head ma,if I'm not quick enough,maybe the pole hit my head,(den I become dumb dumb le)<-Oh touth paper!Who 1 2 become dumbly!But my left hand still pain,can't really write.When the Gravity cause the pole fall down,Mom shouted tiis sentense:''Ah Hui ah zhi mo la ni,cai fang zi ah,zhi mo da shen?''<-tiis sentense in chinese means ''what u r doing,destroy building ah,so loud?''<-that time she bathing,she shout from the bath room there's (aircold)<-don't noe how spell bahn.Than I reply:''mama a mei shi la,wo di tao ta er yi,kai wan xiao la!''<-I didn't tell her the pole fall down cozzZ later she don't let me do the pole thingy. Now listening to my Jocie Guo Mei Mei newest Ablum,I like the ''My Darling'' and ''Love Goddess''and''Tiger Tiger''and''Merry Merry xmas''and''Happy New Year,My Love''.Labels: A Day of somehow Luckyness and somehow Unluckyness ;)
Its just me and you ! . < .
4:17 PM
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Today went to KK vist someone.....
Today,I went to the KK Hospital to vist my small(6 year-old) and Cute cousin,Jia Xin,she is quite pale... She yesterday had just when to the hospital.Before she went to hospital,she kept vomiting,what she ate,she will vomiting immediately and her ''stomach'' very pain,den straight at 5am her parent bought her to the KK.Oh den today den I know why she kept vomiting and (''stomach'' pain)<- a line that is connected to her one of her liver is infected,some where around her intesting there.Actully,her infected part is already abit rotten seen she born,is that there is no symptoms of pain at her ''stomach''.She didn't talk much... ... And the rotten part,a line that is connected to her liver must be cut off,den join the liver again,the doctor says the operation is a small operation,the operation will be 12hrs lei(what small operation).Her ward room had something,a board that had her name and her doctor name written,somemore:(Nil to Mouth)<-meaning breakfast,lunch and dinner time when the other patient at her NorthSouthEastWest is having their foods and drink and even pure plain water,she cannot eat or drink!(So poor thing!)<-Why can't eat or drink?Because anything she eat,she will vomit out that thing she eat,and if she drink water also vomit water.And somemore,Jia Xin didn't even know that she need to have an operation,this poor girl.She have the grape juice to drink through some needle thingy connected to her body,so she wouldn't starve.It is so heart-broken,sad to see her like tiis.Hope she will get well soon and have a smooth operation.
Labels: Today went to KK vist someone.....Hope she get well soon...
Its just me and you ! . < .
6:11 PM
Yah Hwee Jie Jie de Fang Wen
获得《最上镜女新秀》的许雅慧,在赛前本来呼声很高,在初赛、复赛和半决赛都有非常不错的表现。对于自己无法进入前三甲,她有何感想?她想为了揣摩角色,多谈一点恋爱?In Starsearch on Channel 8,Koh Yah Hwee got (Babe award),say about her feeling for getting this award and for didn't went in the top 3. :
http:// Yah Hwee Jie Jie de Fang Wen
Its just me and you ! . < .
2:23 AM
Bang Jun Kor Kor de Fang Wen
冠军陈邦鋆在比赛时,频频受伤,还因此入院动手术切除大腿上发炎的汗腺。能够获得冠军,他有什么感想,最想感谢谁呢?获得两年合约,他会继续学业吗?In the Starsearch on Channel 8,Chen Bang Jun got the Champion,what he feel about getting the Champion?: Bang Jun Kor Kor de Fang Wen
Its just me and you ! . < .
1:40 AM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
A First Time of Long Conversation With Teacher
Me:Yang Kai today playing Chee Ann's Hair today,Chee Ann says Yang Kai Wu Liao.(Some chatting de HuaTi) Mr Kim:Yang Kai is usually quite Bo Liao.Thats expected.(Mr Kim was Playing around with me 4 this) Me:Erm,Mr Kim your Surname is ''Jin''<- Gold in Chinese if I'm not right?Hmmm,do you have a blog?I have a blog.......... Mr Kim:Yes.Thats my surname.I don't have a blog.(Short Story began......)Last Time my student 1 2 help me do up a blog .But I have not time to really update.Will visit your blog then. Me:Oh I see.Because most of the Korean Surname is this ''Jin'',oh hehe,I'm suspecting if you are a Korean or not... ...(In tiiis part I will trying 2 crack an egg,oh what crack an egg,is(crack some joke)) Mr Kim:A Few hundred years I am from Korean,I suppose so. Me:Oh Laugh Out Loud.oh haha......hehe......hoho......:)erm...Did watch Starsearch?The Champion is Antricia's cousin''Chen Ban Jun'',Antricia is dammhh Happy. Mr Kim:I did not watch it .Really the champion is Antricia's Cousin.Congrats to her.________.(Hehe hoho Haha:-))<-(Oh haha,copy my speech,but shen qin copy wrong)don't tell her this. Me:Erm,because Antricia surname is Hsu,her cousin is Chen.Different family line,but they belong to same family...._____________. Mr Kim:I do not have the habit to sleep so early ,thats 1 of the reasons why I choose to be a teache,Hehe I like the Feeling of holidays. Me:Oh if I 1 2 put your name in my blog,can I?(I ask this bcozz I 1 2 put his name on tiis post) Mr Kim:Can go ahead put my name,I am honoured to be mentioned in your blog.<-(Seen,he says it is so honoured to be mention in my bloggy,than I just put his name ;))When Are born?Tell me. Me:Mine's 17/o3/1994<-(At tiis time,I was wonder,what is hiss Mu De=]),how about you?;> Mr Kim:(Oh so you are a Pisces who will have some characteristics of a aries.)<-(He is checking horsescope 4 me :))That why you can click well with almost every1 .You do not need to know my birthday. Me:Oh okies,Mr Kim,you don't 1 2 tell me that fine la,nevermine 1 I didn't expect 2 chat 2 you4 so long... ...You are caring like a cute little Bear. Mr Kim:Ok.I tell you then.You sound as though I am so bad._____Thats why I joined teaching.Because its nice feeling to chat.Labels: Chatting withe my da ling ling sister and my Idol**real meaning of Idol
Its just me and you ! . < .
10:29 AM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Thiss Chalet 4 me... ended.... like this ....... The 1E5 chalet that night,me,Antricia and Reena were going home,so,we says bye bye to the upstair room Mr Kim and my remain classmate at the Chalet,then,we went down and says bye bye to Miss Gan,end up we all chat with Miss Gan till around 9pm.It was quite late,thus Ms Gan drove me ant Antricia to the interchange and drove Reena home.Because Reena home is quite near the chalet,ME stay at tampines,ANTRICIA stay at Bedok area,it is inconvinon 4 Miss Gan,what a kind and good teacher she is........Before Miss Gan drove us back,she hugged us,4 farewell,cozz afer the Chalet we wouldn't be seeing each other until school re open.....
Its just me and you ! . < .
11:50 PM
Monday, November 5, 2007
MyEnd-Of-Year'sResult Hehehoho ;)
[For 2007 in Sec 1 Express] CA2:Chinese 69.3 B3,Design & Technology62.4 B4,English57.1 C5,Geography75.1 A1,Literature 54.9 C6,Maths52.5 C6,Science 77 A1,Visual Arts(my fav.It's Fun!Althought it is not so important)75.3 A1.In my CA2 I dinnot score well,cozzz so many C6 lei la =+.... SA2:Chinese70.5 A2,English59.4 C5,Design & Technology94 A1,Geography77 A1,Literature70 A2,Maths70.5 A2,Science 73 A2,Visual Arts77 A1.Tiis Type of marks still okies,lalala... ;)3A1,3A2and1C5,Maybe,next year try to upgrade my English Marks to B3. 2nd Combined:Chinese70.2 A2,Design&Technology86.1 A1,English58.8 C5,Geography76.4 A1,Literature66.2 B3,Maths66 B3,Science74 A2,Visual Arts 76.6 A1.The CA2 put marks of SA2 down....=! Overall score:Chinese70 A2,Design&Tehnology87 A1,English57 C5,Geography77 A1,History66 B3,Home Eco.66 B3,Literature65 B3,Maths66 B3,Science71 A2,Visual Arts(75 A1)<-Arts is neither EASY nor HARD to score ,so,I only get tiis mark onlxx. After all tiis,my level 35/273 onlxx bahnn..... aGain 3A1,2A2,so many B3,the onlxx and onlyy C5... ;pLabels: MyEnd-Of-Year'sResult Hehehoho ;) My Small Sister EndofYear results also not bad baahn......
Its just me and you ! . < .
12:01 AM
Sunday, November 4, 2007
2 Congrat To Ban Jun Kor Kor
Today,in the Starsearch on Channel8,Ban Jun Kor Kor(Erm,sorry,hope u willn't mind I call u tiis) had won Wee Lei Kor Kor(Hope u willn't mind too) to be the CHAMPION of Starsearch,Ban Jun Kor Kor had done a great jobs on his own dream and his own passion.But too bad Yah Hwee Jie Jie didn't when in the 1st 2nd 3rd,I love u Yah Hwee Jie Jie(tiis words came out from de below of my Heart ;) ),don't be sadly,okies?Ban Jun and Wee Lei Kor kor I also love u2 as fancy of u2,Congrat..... Congrat..... Ban Jun Kor Kor,My Ling Ling Mei Mei is so bless to have u as her cousin.....Labels: I LOVE my Mei Mei To0o, My Star.............
Its just me and you ! . < .
10:56 PM
Rmb to watch Starsearch 0o0oo ......
I cannot wait to see the Starsearch on Channel 8 tmr at night 8pm date on 4/11/2007!!!I Wish I Support de one will win The Other 4 ppls ;).....
Labels: I LOVE my Mei Mei Tooo
Its just me and you ! . < .
1:32 AM
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Its just me and you ! . < .
11:13 PM
Its just me and you ! . < .
11:08 PM
Today,3/11/2007,AT the early in the morning 12.45am.............But maybe my LivingRoom clock is slower,oh sorry audience,negitive example and bad english standard,cosssss not slower is faster,cozzzz my phone de clock is 12.43am,then my Cuteeeety but abit small BedRooom de clock is 8am!Huh,8am!Oh spoilt one arhhh...........I knew That it was spoilt,Oaaaa Hahahahaahhaahha....Heheheheehehehe....Hohohohohohohoho.....I knew it was quite llll diao de....Let look at another clock ge wei xian shen he ta ta xiao jie,like ttthat as if I was teaching Kindergarden,but tthen if I teach Kindergarden,maybe The Whole Kindergarden Coilllide[copy from Antricia Mei Mei speech,but luckily she didn't shen qi copy wrong ban qie].Almost 4gt about the clock tiingy le.....,At MasterBedRoom one is 12.50am,funny lei everywhere in my hm,the time all difference one.When I walk into MasterBedRoom,I on the Light,ttthen my two parents wake up:'''Ah Hui Ah Zhi Mo?'''
Its just me and you ! . < .
4:45 PM
Just A joke to full my bloggy small litte stomach[A Tibet Girl]
A girl from Tibet went to Shanghai for a jod interview.To test her English ,China boss ask her to create sentenses with:green,pink,yellow,blue,white,purple and black.She answered:I hear the phone GREEN GREEN,then I go and PINK up the phone and I say YELLOW,BLUES that?WHITE did you say?Oh wrong number,don't PURPLELY disturb people and don't call BLACK,ok?Boss say:''You can go black now and wait for your phone to GREEN GREEN.'' THIS joke is just a joke,it had means no hurt to The Tibet Girl................................................................ Oh Hahaha.................Hehehe...............Hohoho................Labels: A Tibet Girl
Its just me and you ! . < .
4:19 PM
A star have five ends.........................................A square have 4 ends................................A triangle have 3 ends.......................................A line have 2 ends..............................A life has 1 end......................................A friendship has no end..................................Labels: EnDs..............................................
Its just me and you ! . < .
3:59 PM